Saturday, July 28, 2007

Plenary Session III: Presidential Candidate John Edwards

To start off my morning, I ended up oversleeping a little because I attended the YP Social the night before. Nevertheless, I managed to wake up at 7:00am and be at the event at 8am. As soon as I walked up to the event I noticed the massive line of people waiting to get in along with the people already seated. I managed to get into the VIP section, by saying I was an NUL summer intern (the many perks of being a summer intern).

When I entered the theatre I couldn't find a seat. It was a good feeling though, because it meant that so many people were interesting in hearing these presidential candidates speak. People were truly interested in who will be leading our future and our country in 2009. After my endless search for one seat I chose to sit in the back, because I knew I wouldn't have a problem finding a seat there.

John Edwards was the second candidate to step up to the platform, and was recieved by a warm welcome from the audience. Not as warm as Hillary Clinton or Barack Onama but one could tell that he had numerous supporters in the audience. I clearly remember him from the last presidential race and one thing that always stood out was his ability to remain calm in debates and not look flustered. When he came up, he spoke articulately about a universal healthcare plan, strengthening schools so every child can succeed, and ending the poverty in America. He spoke passionately about how urgent it was to tackle these issues that have plagued our country for quite some time now.

One topic I wish that he could have spoke more on was helping to save young african american males ages 18-24, because it is such a serious issue and a priority for the urban league. After his speech had ended and when he was asked questions by NUL President and CEO Marc H. Morial, I think he became a little flustered when asked if he supported the NUL Opportunity Compact. He took a few seconds to answer yes and when he did he gave no reasons why he supported it and why is was so essential in empowering minorites. However overall, I felt like he did a good job and had some valid points for his campaign.

During his speech I felt he caught the attention of many. I feel that John Edwards is a worthy candidate to lead our country into the year 2009. His tireless efforts as a former Senator and campaign race have cleary shown that.

I really enjoyed myself during the event because this is the first time that I have seen these candidated speak since thier declaration to become the next president. I also thought to myself throughout the event, that this was a wonderful opportunity and allowed me to thoroughly analyze what John Edwards spoke about during his speech.

-Andrew J. Oliver

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