Saturday, July 28, 2007

Plugging In: The Kucinich Address

What do you look at when you see the Urban League Logo? Well for one presidential candidate it may not be the obvious. As the Urban League moves forward with an intense branding strategy under the leadership under President and CEO Marc Morial, it was Dennis Kucinich who explained the revamped logo to a theatre full of Urban Leaguers on Friday morning. Besides citing the logo as an obvious sign of equality, the former mayor of Cleveland went to describe the League’s insignia as having the ability to be a light socket or possibly the front of a train.

While I like many others chuckled at the thought of this analogy, the Congressman from Ohio went on with poise to explain what he meant. Kucinich said that a light socket is a representation of energy and light. In addition, the Congressman said that the insignia could represent the front of a train or in other words movement. After little thought, most people in attendance realized what Congressman Kuccinich was speaking of. I personally would go on to cite that the Urban League is a light socket not only because of an illumination which represents innovative ideas but a light socket because by itself it simply represents potential energy. Only when the Urban League Community and stakeholders plug themselves in to the ideals of its mission statement and agendas such as the “Opportunity Compact” can we further influence change in this nation. Once we do the Urban League train can move at full force on the tracks to the destination of equality.

Congressman Kucinich, an endorser of the Urban League’s “Opportunity Compact” has several items on his platform which were received well by the audience. Besides the simple item of ending what has been deemed a useless war in Iraq, Kuccinich has substantive items on his agenda that could have a great impact on the country domestically. Kuccinich believes that the opportunity to thrive, a cornerstone of the “Opportunity Compact” can be addressed with a Universal Pre-Kindergarten Bill. In addition, Kucinich hope to allow the opportunity to thrive can be addressed with HR.676. HR.676 is an initiative for America to move towards a Universal Single-Payer Not-for-Profit Healthcare System. Kucinich is the only Presidential hopeful with such a plan. The bill which is sponsored by Congressman Conyers, is what Kucinich named as the legislative accomplishment which he is most proud of throughout his congressional career.

Over the course of his address Congressman Kucinich appeared bright and impressed many in attendance. Even more interesting was that through this address even though they have trouble pronouncing it, more people now know his name. While I personally believe that at this point he’s running for the sake of a vice-presidential bid, the Congressman has innovative and very progressive ideas. Congressman Kucinich has gone on the record of not only being in support of same-sex marriage, even more controversially the Congressman is an avid supporter of reparations for African-Americans.

So as the primaries quickly approaches the Kucinich Camp will have to ask itself are the American people willing to take a trip on the Kucinich train for a trip to their destinations or are Americans more willing to accept the Ohio Congressman as the caboose to another Democratic front-runner.

-Ronald Holmes
NUL Policy Institute

1 comment:

Dr. SAN said...

I too felt that the Kucinich address was well perpared and thought out. it is a shame that we do not pay real attention to the non-mainstream candidates that I beleive have real solutions to some of our community and country ills.

Mr. Kucinich did a wonderful job outlining I think a very comprehensive community plan to speaks to many Black issues. With the thought still remaining that Black issues is America's issues also.